Shannon recently got in touch about a drawing she liked and was going to get back to me about something. I decided to draw her a beer six pack postcard since I stalked sleuthed out her postal address through one of her emails. Hopefully she won’t mind the Philadelphia Brewing Company Joe Coffee Porter front.
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I love the cat in this, but if I had to put my money on one, squirrel all the way.
It's the squirrel on Jesus Shakespeare's skull conversing with a rabid alley cat.
Nice job!!!
Sean!!! You are awesome! I got this yesterday and I LOVE it thank you so much!! i had forgotten to get back to you about the squirrel and skull sorry but this was a great reminder, be in touch this weekend! 🙂
Jess – i think the cat intends to take the Jesus Shakespeare skull home and is acting on that opportunity (unlike someone else we know).
Kristen – squirrels are mean and crafty.
Shannon – Glad you are pleased and no worries & no pressure on the other stuff. Was just an opportunity to send a postcard to someone other than Kristen! (she and her husband get all the postcards)