Halo: attaboy

At the best job I ever had (according to the kids...and me) we had a PS2 and an Xbox. It was there that my Halo addiction started. My son's first experience with gaming of any kind came during visits to that job.
His first visit when he was 7. He tried some car racing and, like his old man, could not fight the urge to turn the controller from side to side as if that would help negotiate the turns (we should have invented the Wii). He ended up falling off the stool he was sitting on in my buddy's cube when he crashed his car. We had great laughs at his expense.
My Halo addiction and affliction started there but faded over time after that job ended. The boy, however picked it up in earnest at home and now soundly melee's me into oblivion. He won't let me have a Scorpion tank on any battlefield because he knows that is my only saving grace.
Very impressive!
pinche pendejo puto boring
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