Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Founders Centennial IPA Postcard

Was cleaning up the kitchen and cutting up six pack carriers and thought I'd send one directly to Founders Brewing Company themselves thanking them for crafting a fine-tasting brew. My local twitter pals, @kristenry and @jrybandt had recommended the purchase and I was not disappointed. For a long time, I've been heavily oriented toward buying cases from Pennsylvania brewers since we have so many quality ones especially right here down in the lower right-hand corner. So it was nice to go a little further outside the region to Michigan's Founders Brewing Company. They have some good stuff going on.

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Blogger Kristen said...

Nice job, Sean. They will love your fan mail, just as we all love their delicious, delicious beer. Cheers!

2/03/2010 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Joe Rybandt said...

I'm tempted to brew beer, get some to you, and then receive such a fine postcard....

2/03/2010 11:11:00 AM  
Blogger mcglinch said...

thank you, guys. Joe, it's a lot easier than that to get a postcard.

2/03/2010 11:27:00 AM  
Blogger what we’re drinking said...

Awesome picture, and I love the cat on a half-pipe.

4/26/2010 04:54:00 PM  
Blogger mcglinch said...

thanks, WWD! just followed your trail and that is a noble pursuit you are on with your different beer-a-day. more tasty than a day-by-day desk calendar.

4/26/2010 04:59:00 PM  

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