Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Cat on a Half Pipe

Skateboarding cat on a half pipe sticky note.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sticky Note Butt Monster

I think I put the face on the wrong end of this space monster. Did this quickly at lunch today for the dude over at Sticky Note Theater.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jawless Drooler

Gearing up for the Halloween stretch now. This was the first thing that popped into my head on the sticky note pad.

[the piX in the background was an eBay HR thing (people interexchange? (not as lame as RASCI the Process Weasel stuffed animals they handed out) a few years back. they gave us giant sticky note pads with piX on it that I am still working through.]

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

There's got to be a morning after

My friend ponders the folly of staying up all night on a sticky note.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The good news is...

The good news is my brother is in town from Texas to hit the college hoops circuit in the Northeast.
The good news is my brother has returned to enjoying beers again.
The good news is I've spent a bit of time doing both with my brother.
The good news is we hooked up an electronic drum kit to an amp and "jammed" last night.

The bad news is the drawing, sketching, and other side projects have suffered greatly over the past week or so due to his visit and other distractions.

The good news is I got home early enough tonight to do a quick sticky note doodle.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Dracula Outside the Mausoleum

Tiny sticky-note style Dracula outside the mausoleum after a night out on the town.

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

PostIt Pattern

Fresh from Victory Brewing Company's Fall Fest -- doodled this sticky note yesterday and 'patterned' it tonight. Phils lost but Victory won. Good times. Good beer. Good food. Good friends.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Little Red and what is that thing?

Wanted to do a proper illustration or, at least, a drawing of this but quickly sketched it out on a sticky note. Been way too busy with 'work' day & night.

I "saw" this when I was staring at patterns in a floor tile the other day (briefly -- mind you. I don't spend all my time staring at the floor.). It's kind of like naming clouds.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Request-a-doodle: Camp Poo

click for big
Smelly Felly said...

I was at sleepaway camp one year. The camp had cabin inspections where we needed to tidy up.

Right before one of the inspections, and as the inspectors were approaching, a kid dropped his pants and ripped a huge fart in the doorway. When he looked down, he had taken a crap. He picked it up and threw it into the woods. We proceeded to line up immediately for the inspection, with remnants of crap still on his hands.

Do what you will with this visualization...

Little time for doodles this week, so squeezed this one out while waiting for the laptop to shut down this afternoon.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Check your oxters, lads!

click to enlarge.
Make sure to remove any debris from your oxters, lad. Show of hands for those familiar with the term 'oxters'... my Irish-raised father always referred to the arm pit as oxters. Growing up I always thought that was some crazy term he thought up.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Professor dude

Just a quick professor fellow doodled out for no particular reason.

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