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Category Archives: face
I had too much to dream last night
Electric Prunes 1967 hit rings in my head first thing in the morning sometimes.
Torn Head
Tore this one out of the notepad a little too hastily and lost the top off this fellow I knew in the last century who was the topic of some hot news flashes this week.
Tongue or Dilly Bar?
This head was floating in front of me during a conference call this evening. Can’t figure out if that’s his tongue in his mouth or a dilly bar and that’s the face of a guy that has cold sensitivity teeth … Continue reading
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Whole lotta nothing today
No time for doodling today and was at school jazz band concert with the West Chester University Criterions Jazz Ensemble. Nice tunes. So here’s a leftover from the last job…
Posted in doodle, doodles, face
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