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Category Archives: head
The Prophet’s Head
“And this prophet’s head was separated from his body so that he could see the world in a new light.”
Posted in head, headless, prophet
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Conference Call Tribal Head & Shoulders
Worked on this while on a conference call today. Probably inspired by my upcoming reunion with my Africa-traveling friend at this weekend’s 2008 YAB Conference.
I had too much to dream last night
Electric Prunes 1967 hit rings in my head first thing in the morning sometimes.
Torn Head
Tore this one out of the notepad a little too hastily and lost the top off this fellow I knew in the last century who was the topic of some hot news flashes this week.
Head to the creek
Found this angry head in the creek on our walk the other day. He was spouting off obscenities at the kids and the dog.
Posted in creek, head
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Tongue or Dilly Bar?
This head was floating in front of me during a conference call this evening. Can’t figure out if that’s his tongue in his mouth or a dilly bar and that’s the face of a guy that has cold sensitivity teeth … Continue reading
Posted in face, head, teeth
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