Thursday, January 15, 2009

Turtle Head on Wheels

I think I did this on an Amtrak to or from New York City on a business trip for the old job back in September -- I get to call it that now: "old". I think I had those Art Instruction Schools commercials in my head -- where you draw Tippy The Turtle and a pirate and they tell you how good you are. I actually filled one of those out when I was in elementary school.

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Anonymous Sundry said...

Ha.. I did one of those when I was a kid, too. Oh...sadder still: My mother did one of those way back in the 40s and signed up for the instructions. She still feels guilty that her parents had to pay 10 cents a week for her "lessons," which she lost interest in.

1/16/2009 09:26:00 AM  
Blogger mcglinch said...

i wondered how far back they go with that?! will start googling for Art Instruction ads from the turn of the other century.

1/16/2009 08:56:00 PM  

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