Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Founders Centennial IPA Postcard

Was cleaning up the kitchen and cutting up six pack carriers and thought I'd send one directly to Founders Brewing Company themselves thanking them for crafting a fine-tasting brew. My local twitter pals, @kristenry and @jrybandt had recommended the purchase and I was not disappointed. For a long time, I've been heavily oriented toward buying cases from Pennsylvania brewers since we have so many quality ones especially right here down in the lower right-hand corner. So it was nice to go a little further outside the region to Michigan's Founders Brewing Company. They have some good stuff going on.

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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

A Major Award: Breathing Easy in a Mountain Lake

Another Victory six-pack postcard drawing for Kristen (this one was Prima Pils - my favorite hoppy summertime beer). This was her reward for going 30 days without smoking. It's meant to signify the clean air and sunshiny, outdoorsy, slightly religious iconic, enlightenment feeling that she can now feel because she's not smoking. I did this the other day in a groggy, achy, slightly fevered, New Year's flu state.

If you think you deserve a major award, let me know.

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